Hunting Clothing Fit Types

cool weather hunting jacket

For the seasoned hunter, success hinges not only on skill and knowledge but also on the right gear. While camouflage and functionality are paramount, achieving optimal performance outdoors starts with understanding clothing fit types. The way your garments hug or drape around your body significantly impacts layering, comfort, and ultimately, your ability to make the […] Read More

Find the perfect fit for hunting clothes online

camo thermal hoodie

For hunters, the right clothing isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s essential for comfort, performance, and even safety in the field. But for many hunters, buying clothes online that fit correctly can sometimes feel like an impossible task. Unlike visiting a physical store and trying things on, online shopping presents unique challenges. The report by […] Read More

Are men’s clothes sizes getting smaller?

camo hunting hoodie

For the discerning outdoorsman, navigating the wilderness is second nature. But navigating the often-confusing world of men’s clothing sizes? Not so much. Have you ever donned a size M in one brand that fits perfectly, only to find the same size in another brand feels like it’s trying to squeeze the life out of you? […] Read More

Hunting clothes sizing, why it’s hard to find the right fit

Hunting clothes sizing

For hunters, success hinges not just on skill and preparation, but also on wearing the perfect clothes. Ever stalked a wild animal, heart pounding, only to be hindered by ill-fitting hunting clothes? Finding the right fit for hunting apparel, with its specific demands for comfort, layering, and movement, can be a daunting task. Especially when […] Read More

Base layer fabric pilling

base layer fabric pilling

During an extensive wear trial comparing the advantages and disadvantages of merino wool and polyester base layer fabrics, we received feedback from one field user of exaggerated base layer fabric pilling on the polyester side of the prototype harlequin half top. Mark had noticed this to occur on the inner sleeve region as it rubbed […] Read More